Available courses

Athena Platform Questionnaire for Students

Athena Platform Questionnaire for Students

In the first year of activation,

a questionnaire related to the Athena platform operation

will be requested to each individual user.

In particular, a feedback of appreciation

and efficiency with respect to the platform

will be assessed monthly.

Athena Platform Questionnaire for Professors

Athena Platform Questionnaire for Professors

In the first year of activation, 

a questionnaire related to the Athena platform operation

will be requested to each individual user.

In particular, a feedback of appreciation

and efficiency with respect to the platform

will be assessed monthly.



Fictitious exam to test credentials acquisition 

Discussion Forum for Multimedia LAB Improvement
Ioannis BarbounakisDaniele BarettinVEDAT BATATINAConstantin BesselMatteo GinesiKlaus HartmannVirginie Le TallecPaulius NomgaudasPietro OlivaAndrea OrsiniHubert RothStefano SalvatoriRuger Winnegge

Discussion Forum for Multimedia LAB Improvement

Teaching and Learning Instruments

to be implemented in the Multimedia Lab

Athena InfoStructure
Ioannis BarbounakisDaniele BarettinVEDAT BATATINAConstantin BesselAli EDDBALIMatteo GinesiKlaus HartmannDariusz KluczykVirginie Le TallecPaulius NomgaudasPietro OlivaCarmen OmanAndrea OrsiniFabrizio PatanèStefano SalvatoriRuger Winnegge

Athena InfoStructure

Athena InfoStructure Development forum

Blended Intensive Program in Soft & Research Skills
Ana BarataElena MizrahiElena Mizrahi

Blended Intensive Program in Soft & Research Skills

Although so-called "soft skills" have always been essential for employment success, the nature of work is constantly changing. As a result, these talents are now universally necessary, no matter what business you work in. According to Deloitte Access Economics, two-thirds of all jobs are predicted to be in soft-skill-demanding occupations by 2030. Employers want candidates with the soft skills necessary to thrive and successfully adapt in the workplace since occupations and the talents in demand are continuously changing. These are some of the main soft talents to enhance if you want to stand out in the job market: communication, emotional awareness, flexibility, adaptability and the capacity for teamwork.

The ATHENA Soft Skills Academy will implement the spring semester (2023) course version as a Blended Intensive Program. The online part will start on the 6th of March, 2023, and ends on the 31st of May, 2023.  The online lectures will happen through the zoom platform every Monday & Wednesday from 17.00 to 19.00 CET. The face-to-face workshops will follow (15th to 19th May 2023) in the Department of Electronic Engineering of HMU in Chania, Crete, Greece. 

Blended Intensive Course in Soft and Digital Skills
Tomaz AljazAna BarataMateja BorakSayfan BorghiniNadia EssamaliHillel EyalMichaela FiedelmanGeorge FouskitakisHagit FreemanSusan GaglianoJerneja GrašičNoga GulstJanja HojnikGeorge KakavelakisMilou KauffmanJeroen KeijzersOrna KopolovichBernarda KorezKleio KoutraDunja LegatManolis LourakisElena MizrahiElena MizrahiRenata MocnikDaniel MullerMilos PetrovicAberto Peixoto PintoMaria Joao RaposoJarek SacharskiNava ShakedAndrej SorgoGeorge TriantafylouNicoletta VegniTatjana WelzerSamia ZeidAgnieszka Zielinska

Blended Intensive Course in Soft and Digital Skills

Knowledge of soft skills or people Skills is increasingly coming into focus and being recognized as critical for success - sometimes called "Success Skills", and categorize as "Hot Skills".

Research by Harvard University, Carnegie Foundation, and Stanford Research Center has concluded that 85% of job success comes from having well-developed soft skills and people skills, and only 15% comes from Technical skills and knowledge (hard skills).

The main objective of this online course offered by  ATHENA European University (https://athenauni.eu) is the awareness of the importance of soft & research skills to students' employability and professional development and the application of the taught soft skills in real-life case scenarios. 

The course will consist of online (every Monday and Friday at 17.00 CET)  (18) and face-to-face (10 workshops & 10 lectures) sessions. The latter will be applied in the face-to-face workshops that will take place from the 15th to the 19th of May 2023 in Chania, Crete, hosted by HMU. The online sessions will start on the 6th of March, 2023, using the zoom platform. 

The course can be accredited as optional with a workload corresponding to 3 ECTS. 

The ATHENA Sci - Cafe Colloquial Talks
Jozsef GyorkosMarko HolblTatjana Welzer

The ATHENA Sci - Cafe Colloquial Talks

The ATHENA Sci-Cafe Talks is a series of seminar talks with an objective the ATHENA research community to get introduced and moreover to get introduced with researchers beyond the ATHENA ecosystem. 

The talks are organized for the 2022 period by the Hellenic Mediterranean University and happen every Friday at 11.00 Athens time (10.00 CET). each colloquial talk lasts 45 minutes and then there is time for Q&A. 

All the Sci-cafe talks are recorded and been uploaded to the ATHENA and HMU IRO Youtube channels. 

The ATHENA Soft & Research Skills Academy
Ana BarataJozsef GyorkosKleio KoutraDunja LegatElena MizrahiKonstantinos PetridisTatjana Welzer

The ATHENA Soft & Research Skills Academy

To get, and keep, a job you typically need a repertoire of technical skills. Dentists need to know how to fill cavities. Secretaries need to type 100+ words per minute. Accountants need to be certified. 

Beyond the technical skills, though, which dentist do you go to? The one who is pleasant and takes time to answer your questions; or the one who treats you like a number in a long line of numbered mouths? Which secretary do you retain when times are lean? The one whose attitude is positive and upbeat, and who is always willing to help; or the one who is inflexible and has a hard time admitting mistakes? Likewise, think about accountants. The one who has a great work ethic and encourages his colleagues is the one who will, most likely, excel in his position and organization.

In these situations and all the others like them, it's the soft skills that matter. While your technical skills may get your foot in the door, your people skills are what open most of the doors to come. Your work ethic, your attitude, your communication skills, your emotional intelligence, and a whole host of other personal attributes are the soft skills that are crucial for career success.

The Hellenic Meditteranean University in collaboration with the Politecnico do Porto and the University of Cusano organize this course in order to inform the community of the importance of soft skills for personal development and sustainability within very competitive professional environments. More than this an introduction to research skills students need will be introduced.  

1st EMERGE/ATHENA Online School – Sustainable flexible large-area printed electronics and photonics
Konstantinos Rogdakis

1st EMERGE/ATHENA Online School – Sustainable flexible large-area printed electronics and photonics

This IP lasted four days (20th - 24th of March, 2023), coordinated by the Emerging Printed Electronics Research Infrastructure (EMERGE).  

The online school will be open and free of charge to MSc students, Ph.D. students, and researchers. The first day will be devoted to showing what EMERGE is and how it can be a valuable initiative for academics and industry working in flexible large-area printed electronics and photonics. The remaining four days will be devoted to presentations from top scientific researchers, internal and external to the EMERGE consortium, on topics related to each one of the transnational activities:

  • Design, modeling, and simulation

  • Material synthesis and characterization

  • Prototype fabrication

  • Demonstrator characterization and validation

At the end of the school, students/researchers will have a short online quiz through Moodle about the lectures. The 25 students/researchers with the highest scores will be selected for the in-person school in Crete in Summer 2023.

All the materials can be found on this site. 

Embedded Systems Test

Embedded Systems Test

[EXAMPLE] This course on Embedded Systems provides 4 lectures on specific topics to provide an in-depth knowledge.

Lecture 1:  Date / Title / Link
Lecture 2: Date / Title / Link
Lecture 3: Date / Title / Link
Lecture 4: Date / Title / Link



The Microelectronics course has the main educational objectives

of introducing CMOS technology and digital chip design basic schemes

Site announcements

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