Athena Platform Questionnaire for Students

Athena Platform Questionnaire for Students

In the first year of activation,

a questionnaire related to the Athena platform operation

will be requested to each individual user.

In particular, a feedback of appreciation

and efficiency with respect to the platform

will be assessed monthly.

Athena Platform Questionnaire for Professors

Athena Platform Questionnaire for Professors

In the first year of activation, 

a questionnaire related to the Athena platform operation

will be requested to each individual user.

In particular, a feedback of appreciation

and efficiency with respect to the platform

will be assessed monthly.



Fictitious exam to test credentials acquisition 

Discussion Forum for Multimedia LAB Improvement
Ioannis BarbounakisDaniele BarettinConstantin BesselMatteo GinesiKlaus HartmannVirginie Le TallecPaulius NomgaudasPietro OlivaAndrea OrsiniHubert RothStefano SalvatoriRuger Winnegge

Discussion Forum for Multimedia LAB Improvement

Teaching and Learning Instruments

to be implemented in the Multimedia Lab

Athena InfoStructure
Ioannis BarbounakisDaniele BarettinConstantin BesselAli EDDBALIMatteo GinesiKlaus HartmannDariusz KluczykVirginie Le TallecPaulius NomgaudasPietro OlivaCarmen OmanAndrea OrsiniFabrizio PatanèStefano SalvatoriRuger Winnegge

Athena InfoStructure

Athena InfoStructure Development forum